How To Publish MIT App Inventor Project

How To Publish MIT App Inventor Project


1 min read

MIT App Inventor is an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone โ€“ even children โ€“ to build fully functional apps for Android phones, iPhones, and Android/iOS tablets. In this article, we are going to talk about how to share your MIT App Inventor project with other users.

You need to be logged into your account

App Inventor apps can only be accessed with an account. If you don't have one, the Google sign in feature does the trick for you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Go to My Projects page and click on Login To Gallery button.

Screenshot from 2022-03-15 16-57-06.png

Fill your login details

Take note that the email here must be the same as the one used for signing up for App Inventor.

Screenshot from 2022-03-15 16-34-49.png

After logging into gallery, you can close the browser window. Open the project you wish to share with others and select the Publish To Gallery button.

Screenshot from 2022-03-15 16-35-47.png

Fill the form that the page redirects you to.

Screenshot from 2022-03-15 16-36-08.png

Click Submit and you're done ๐Ÿ”ฅ.

Screenshot from 2022-03-15 16-36-50.png

Locate your app and copy the permanent link which can be shared with others ๐Ÿ‘Œ.

That's all for now. Happy coding!!!
