Basics of Julia & Numerical Computation - Part 3

Basics of Julia & Numerical Computation - Part 3

After reading this article, my goal is that you'll be able to:

  • Get input data
  • Convert between data types
  • Perform element-wise operations using the "dot" operator
  • Carry out numeric comparisons in julia.

This is a continuation of Basics of Julia & Numerical Computation parts 1 and 2. If you missed the earlier parts, I'd encourage you to read them before continuing this article.

Let's delve in.

Getting Input From I/O Stream

To get input from a user, readline() function is used. It reads a line of text from standard input (STDIN) until a newline character is entered.

In plain speech, this method reads text until the enter key is pressed.

Values returned by readline() are always Strings.


# get the user's name
name = readline()
  • In a case where multiple lines are required to be entered by a user, the readlines() method is used.
  • The lines are stored as a one-dimensional String array.
  • A new line separates each line and CTRL-D is pressed to stop taking input.


# tell us about yourself
info = readlines()

Converting Between Data Types

  • In julia, there are fundamentally three ways to convert between data types: parse(), convert() and string() functions.


  • parse() resolves a string into a specified data type. If the string does not contain valid data for the type chosen, julia will raise an error.
parse(type, string)

Converting String into Int


Converting String into Float and sample of error thrown for invalid data type



  • convert() resolves a value from Int to Float and vice versa, provided that it is a valid representation of the data type being converted to.
convert(type, value)

# tests
convert(Int64, 3.0)       # returns 3
convert(Int64, 3.5)       # returns an error
convert(Float64, 3.4)     # returns 3.4


string() function creates a string from any value.


string(23.4)     # returns "23.4"

The "dot"(.) operator

  • In scientific computing, it is common to work with large datasets and most of the time, one would want to perform element-wise operations on them.

  • The significance of element-wise operations include:

    • Performing a distributed operation over an array of numbers.
    • Used in developing neural networks.
    • Finding squared errors (which is later used to compute the cost function, J(θ) )

And I'm sure there's a lot more to discover.

  • The dot(.) before mathematical operators in julia are used to perform element-wise computation on arrays or matrices.
  • The "dot" operator can be used with any mathematical operator.
# Samples
[1, 2, 3] .* 5     # multiplies all the elements by 5.

    1 3 4
    2 3 4
] ./ 2             # divides all elements by 2

Numeric Comparisons

The following is a list of comparison operations in julia for numeric data types

!=Not equals
<Less than
>Greater than
<=Less than or equal to
>=Greater than or equal to
===Strict comparison operator (Takes data type into consideration)

The following are in-built functions in julia used to test numbers for special values

In-built FunctionsMeaning
isequal(x, y)checks if x and y are identical
isfinite(x)checks if x is a finite number
isinf(x)checks if x is an infinite number
isnan(x)checks if x is not a number

Things To Note

  • isequal() can be used to distinguish between signed zeros (i.e. -0 and 0).

  • If you choose to define your own equality function, define a hash() method to ensure that isequal(x, y) implies hash(x) == hash(y)

The hash() function returns an unsigned integer number unique to every numerical value.

  • The default type for an integer literal depends on whether the target system has a 32-bit or 64-bit architecture.

  • The Julia internal variable Sys.WORD_SIZE indicates whether the target system is 32-bit or 64-bit.

  • Inf is a variable that denotes infinity.

  • NaN means 'Not a Number'.

  • e can be used in place of ^ to denote exponent or power when used with numbers. E.g. 3e3 == 3000 and 3e-3 == 0.003

This brings us to the end of the Basics of Julia & Numerical Computation series. There will be more articles on julia in the coming days. Stay tuned!!!


  • Julia Academy
  • Julia Docs
  • Curiosity